Saturday, August 30, 2008

In all fairness

So, Scott was reading "our" blog tonight (the one to which he has NEVER contributed) and commented on how the Haddie/Heather/Scott comparison was not fair because there was not a picture of him included.
I'll give him that I guess. So here's the same picture of Haddie and a picture of baby Scott, and in all fairness, she looks an awful lot like him too.


kristi said...

Hmm...I still thinks she looks more like you heather!

amelia and jason said...


I am so glad you posted a message on my blog so I could find you. Five cute kids --WOW! You must be one busy mom! From reading your blog I am guessing you live in Texas. We actually lived in Lubbock for one year--I loved Texas! Hope all is well.


Jenni said...

Sorry Scott, but Heather still wins by a landslide!