Saturday, February 17, 2007

First Book Review

As inspired by my good friend Tami, I thought I would review the books that I read, so if anyone is searching for a good book, they can find one easily.
I just finished reading this book entitled Spindle's End by Robin McKinley for the second time. I love this book and I love Robin McKinley. She has found her nitch in writing by taking fairy tales and retelling them. It's not something I would attempt, because fairy tales are so beloved and such a part of most people's childhood memories. But she does a beautiful job. I also love her book entitled Beauty which any of you may have guessed is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast.
This book is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty, and I really don't want to say much more about it, because there are so many twists and turns that I don't want to give any of it away.


Kristie said...

Very cool! I read Beauty and loved it! Perhaps I should try this one too!! Did they make you switch to the new blogger too? Or did you just do it on your own?

tami and todd said...

I am so glad that you decided to review the books your read too! I love discovering new books that other people loved since there's just not enough time for my own search of great books by reading everyone, ya know! So keep it up so I can know what's good in "Heather's Eyes" hehe!

Heather said...

I decided to switch. I was very unsure about what to do. I figured that it would be better in the long road. It does download faster!

Amanda said...

I am Kristie's sister-in-law....I am glad you reviewed this book.....I LOVE reading and I am always looking for something new:) Although I am usually too cheap to buy many books, and just end up borrowing what my mom buys!

Sarah said...

That sounds interesting. I will have to try out these books!

Heather said...

Amanda, I was so happy to see your comment on my blog. I was an english major at BYU, I have a lot of good books for reading. You can always get my email from Kristie and I can send you a list! You can also find most of the books I read at public libraries. I am very into juvenile fiction, because I feel more secure about the kinds of things I'll find inside, nothing nasty or too dark, not very many swear words. Well, hope to hear from you soon!