Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The suffering of the boys during dance class.

The boys do the best they can to entertain theirselves during the tedium that is dance class. Ryan always makes sure he has some guys to play with. He is very proud of this tiny figure of the human torch.
After a couple of hours at the dance studio, Ryan and Benjamin have become dreadfully silly.
The rocking chair seems to be a favorite of many children who spend time at the studio. Here is Emily rocking.
This is Julia doing the piece they performed for the old people on Saturday. Posted by Picasa


Kristie said...

Cute pictures! I love the one of the silly boys! My boys are so silly too sometimes. :) How long are the dance classes? Julia looks very cute in her class.

Heather said...

Julia's class is an hour and a half, Emily's is one hour. They love their dance classes. And their teachers and their outfits.