Sunday, December 09, 2007

Haddie in the hospital!

On Thursday night, Haddie started to run a fever. By the time we got to the pediatrician's office she was a green goopy mess and her fever was up to 101.3! They sent us right over to Cook Children's Medical Center, to the Emergency Room where she was promptly hospitalized!
I was told numerous times that when a baby younger than two months has a temp over 100 they are automatically hospitalized for at least 48 hrs. They also pull out all the stops. She had blood work, they took a urine sample, an RSV test, a spinal tap and her mucus cultured. They put in an IV and immediately started her on two antibiotics.
The thing on her arm is a little cast like thing to keep babies from pulling the IV out, since it is incredibly difficult to get an IV needle into a little baby in the first place. The paramedic had to try twice.
She was such a sweet girl even with the stinky needle in her hand and in the weird smelling hospital being bugged endlessly by paramedics coming to take stats (oxygen, blood pressure, rectal temperature :( ) nurses listening to heart and lungs and coming every 8 hours to administer the 2 antibiotics through her IV line.
We are home now and SO glad. They tests for bacterial infection all came back negative. They are assuming she had a viral infection. That was an experience I NEVER want to have again!
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Sarah said...

Poor baby! And mommy! I'm glad it was nothing serious but it's still so sad.

Kristie said...

I am so glad to heat that you are home safe and sound!! Hospitals are no fun at all!!!!!

Jenni said...

We're so glad your that your home and Haddie is fine. I know how scary it is to have something wrong with your tiny baby, and how hopeless you feel. I/m so glad that Haddie is getting better.

Jenni said...

She looks bigger! What are stats now? I've been obsessed with stats since we've had so much trouble getting Seth to gain weight.

Shirlene said...

Glad you're home and all is well. Miss you! Shirlene

Andrea said...

how scary!! you have me freaked out now! but i am so glad that she is doing good now! y'all take care!

tami and todd said...

What an ordeal! That's a scary situation to be in. She looks worn out, I can't imagine. But, glad she's home now & it wasn't anything really serious! She definitely looks like she belongs to your family, though. I was checking out the other pictures, she's growing so well and has the same facial features as the other kids!

The Wibergs said...

Heather, I'm glad everything is ok with her now. You must have been frantic during that time!