Friday, March 02, 2007


I always think I need a picture to post on my blog. I haven't really taken any cute pictures lately. On Sunday for our family night we talked about personal responsibility and self-discipline. We created chore charts for everyone (myself and my husband included)! It has been a very good thing. Our kids now seem to sense (on a beginning level of course) that they are responsible for themselves and the things that happen in their lives. We are trying to help them understand that there are consequences for every action. It's hard, as a parent, to stand by and let them fail now, so that hopefully they won't fail later. I think it's one of my biggest weaknesses as a parent, I want them to succeed SO badly that I start micromanaging. The other day Ryan was really dragging in the morning. We were having a hard time getting him out the door and to school (which is only across the street). Scott finally pointed out that he was late for school and that it was his fault because he was ignoring our warnings and suggestions that he was going to be late. He was shocked! He kept saying, "My fault?"
I've also stepped back a litte bit during their piano practice. They do much better when they are "in charge" of practice time. It's funny to me because it seems opposite to logic. They do better when you set the expectation and then let them succeed or fail by their own merits? Weird! As you can tell, I'm still having a hard time digesting the whole thing and effectively making a change.
I also get so frustrated with myself. It's like I can't handle my own success. I was doing so well with the chore charts. We were getting more things done with less struggle, the kids were happier, the house was cleaner. Then Thursday came and I just felt tired and bound. I didn't want to be "tied down" to the dinky little chore chart. I felt tired of being on my kids all the time, tired of always doing something: preschool with Emmy, preschool with Ben, piano practice with Julia, dishes, laundry, etc. So, I sat around and did nothing. It makes me so mad at myself. So mad at myself I could puke! I guess life is about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and trying again. Buck up little camper and drive on!
Tonight was a really fun night. Scott and I went bowling with another couple from our church. We had a lot of fun. Even though I am a HORRIBLE bowler, I have always enjoyed it! A weekly date is a neccessity for every stay-at-home mom of small kids. I always feel so much better about my life when we go and take some time together. It doesn't really seem to matter what we do. It just matters that we're together, and that we aren't talking about the kids or the finances.
Well, I know you don't want to listen to me babble on forever. I just though I'd share some of my thoughts, and hopefully some of you struggle with the same things and feel better to know that you're not alone! I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Kristie said...

It is good to get caught up on what has been going on at your house!!! It sounds like you are turning your home into a well oiled machine!! :) Sounds great. I never feel bad for taking a day break though. I guess that I just feel like since my job is 24/7 that if I want to take a break and have a relaxing day every once in a while that is okay. My husband gets vacations from work, so I think I can take a vacation (of sorts) from my daily activities every once in a while without beating myself up about it!! I know that you will carry on with doing that the great job that you do so don't beat yourself up about it too much!!! :) You are a fantastic mom!!!!

Shirlene said...

You are doing a fantastic job, Heather! Keep up the good work!