Friday, June 22, 2007

It's a Birthday Bicycle Bash!

Here's Benjamin, as always, thinking he certainly must be big enough to ride the same bike that brother rides. Even at four months old he was certain he was big enough to walk. He would continually try to jump off my lap and get moving by himself. People at church would look at me like I was some freakin' psycho throwing my four month baby all around. When we first got into the swimming pool, Benjamin was 19 months, he was sure he could swim by himself. He kept trying to push my arms away, he went under the water several times. No wonder he's already broken a collar bone and had his chin dermabonded! He is "Danger Boy."
Ryan decided that bike riding required shoes. The girls already had theirs on.
Here's Emily using all her strength to make it up the gentle slope which is our driveway!
Here's Ryan pouting after the second or third time he unacceptably wobbled on his bicycle. He has a hard time trying new things. But with his mommies gentle prodding (more like brute force) he hangs in there and picks things up well. We're proud of the strides Ryan has made. He had the misfortune of being the oldest child (like his mother before him) and we have made many mistakes on him. But he bears it all with quiet resolve and tender forgiveness.
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1 comment:

tami and todd said...

That sounds like one heck of a birthday party! She sure is growing up quick! I remember the little girl in the sunbeam's row infront of my class still... not anymore I guess! Could you stop time for me, I'm so not ready for my kids to grow up so fast like your princess!