I figure even without a camera, the blogging silence can go on no longer. I thought I'd just take a minute to let everyone know what's going on. Monday will be the beginning of the 4th week of school. Ryan, Julia and Emily all seem to be doing well in their classes and with their teachers. A sweet sister in our ward decided to start a preschool for $75 a month, and so we enrolled Benjamin. He goes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9-12 and really seems to do well and enjoy his time at preschool. I was overjoyed thinking about all the "free time" I would have with just me and Hadley at home. Unfortunately, with Hadley there it isn't much like free time. She pulls me around everywhere saying, "Tome on," and feels like she needs my every minute attention.
I now officially have 17 piano students. 17! It's a little crazy, but I really love teaching. It's funny because before they arrive I dread it, but when we're in lessons I love it and things seem to go relatively smoothly. And I must own up to the fact that 3 of the 17 are my own children. That doesn't necessarily make it easier though, in a lot of ways it's harder to teach your own children!
Scott's still the EQP, and I'm still the 4th Sunday teacher in RS and the 3rd Sunday organist. We are busy, but happy. I don't know what was wrong with me before, but I just barely realized that it takes every hour of every day just to get the basics of day to day living done for our family. There really isn't a lot of extra time. I feel guilty, like I should be doing SO much more than I am, but in the quiet moments I realize that I am doing the most important thing that I will ever do, I'm being a mom to my kids and trying each day to be present and to love my job.